Photo Credit: David Castillo Dominici
As parents we usually overthink things and tend to go overboard with purchasing what we believe would make things easier for our little ones. From my experience I have found keeping things simple and traditional in a sense keeps everything quick and easy. Granted my 2 oldest children were potty trained by their awesome aunt she taught me that its as easy as concentrating on the goal. You don’t need a fancy potty training toilet to get the job done, you can use a basic potty toilet that is your child’s favorite color.
1.) Go Potty Together: Something I found very helpful and easy for me to do is to take the toddler with me when I went potty. This let them know what sounds to recognize when they went potty and to feel more comfortable when their bodies did the same thing.
2.) Make Up A Potty Song: Make up a funny song to sing while the toddler is on the potty, this will help in the future when your toddler is in a different setting. If you in a restaurant or just a different place than you toddler is usually accustomed to the song will help them feel more comfortable so nature can do its business.
3.) Reward System: How awesome would it be to get a sticker after you went potty mom? Personally I think if I collected a sticker for every potty break I did I would have a library full of stickers. Head over to your nearest Dollar Tree and pick up a big pack of stickers featuring your little ones favorite character. Make a chart and let them paste each sticker on it accounting up to whatever they want to earn.
Reward Idea’s:
– Fun Educational Movie or Show
– Pizza Night
– New Toy
– New Blanket
– Day Out With Mom or Dad
4.) Be Serious: NO TOYS or ELECTRONICS while the toddler is on the potty, keep them concentrated and on task. The more the child focuses on the actual act of going potty the faster the transition from diapers to potty will be
5.) Cheerios: I’m pretty sure your thinking, well how will Cheerios help my little one go potty? A good friend of mine suggested this trick and said it worked wonders with her Jaxten. Simply throw a Cherrio in the toilet or potty training seat and have your little one aim for it. This is such a cute and easy hack I couldn’t help but share it with yall.
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