Being The Baby of The Family Isn’t Always Easy
Being the smallest of your siblings isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, there is the constant being picked last, or getting the last of whatever is being given. You know, those days where you had to share your house with all of your crazy siblings, who seemed to get away with murder when mom wasn’t looking. Those constant teasing remarks you would get when you are the youngest of the bunch.
Let’s face it, we all did it and it’s normal when it happens in a family of multiple kids. I still remember the days where my big brother would sit on me till I squealed loud enough so my mom would hear and come to my rescue. The one thing that us “baby” of the families gets is pressure, pressure to be just like the bigger kids.
Yes, there are amazing perks to being the baby of the family, I will not lie! Those day’s grandma would give you the pick of her secret candy stash, but shhh don’t say I said anything about that. There are also other pressures to being the baby where everyone expects you to pick up things as quickly as the other kids did. Things like potty training, or maybe even baseball or basketball. The one thing I learned about my “baby” of my family was she isn’t the quickest at picking up potty training.
I’ve learned many tips and tricks with potty training which are amazing at helping her learn everything there is to learn about potty training. She has caught on to all of those tips and even taught me a few new tricks, but life is life and mishaps happen. On good days she does very well with using the potty but still does have those mishap moments. It’s all a part of potty training though and she is never scolded for making a small mistake. We just make sure she knows she’s loved and has the support of all of her family, including her rough and tough brothers and sister.
Our most notable mishap that has happened since we have started our potty training journey, is the one we experienced while on a road trip to our local Kings Dominion Theme Park. It was about an hour in on the drive and we hit a wall of traffic when I say a wall I mean we were crawling for a good 15 miles. During this crawl, Esuun had her moment and let lose in the car with a huge fart followed by some not so friendly sounds and smells. It was it, the huge one she had been saving for about 24 hours now.
At this point, there was no way we could stop the car to change her diaper, heck I couldn’t even crawl to the shoulder to change her. So with a sigh of unhappy thought’s myself and other kids included, the kid’s grandma and grandfather all had to suffer, with this huge bomb she let off in her car seat. All the while she continued to watch Zootopia as we crawled for the last 10 miles and hit the well-deserved exit towards a gas station. The kids cheered and the adults hopped out of the car to let it air out, good thing I always carry around a can of Febreeze! Honestly, I’m happy we kept a PullUp® on her or else it would have been a totally different story.
My Esuun loves the Doc McStuffin’s designs on her Pull-Ups® training pants, they have a design on the front (her doctor’s bag) that disappears when she goes tinkle. I like to point out to her that she doesn’t want to get Doc’s doctor bag went when we put on her training pants. I personally love the One and Done wipes with the Cucumber & Green Tea scent. It’s so magical you wouldn’t even know you just changed a diaper, it takes away all the smell if you know what I mean.
Whenever we want to stock up on our Mishap Moments Tools, we head over to our local Walmart Neighborhood Market®. Located in the diaper isle you can find a fun display of the many sizes and themes of the Pull-Ups® brand training pants. I love to stock up on many essentials at my local Walmart Neighborhood Market®. I also love that you find some exclusive coupons for the Huggies® brand Diapers and Wipes. There is a few AWESOME money saving coupons available for you, I made sure to print out mine before I hauled the crew to our local store.
$2 off Huggies Diapers Coupon
$2 off Pull-Ups® And GoodNites® Coupon
$0.50 off Huggies Wipes Coupon
To find your local Walmart Neighborhood Market® Click Here. Is your little potty training? What are your most notable mishap’s your little ones have had while potty training?
Ana Sanchez says
I bet you had fun on that trip! We always keep Pull-ups with us when we travel, we don’t want those little messes to get the kids upset and not have fun on our road trips. 🙂
Melanie Smith says
I’m the baby of my family and it is so hard haha. Great post!
Carol Cassara (@ccassara) says
Your baby sure is adorable. Pull ups are a traditionally good product and every mom I know loves them.
Jay's Sweet N Sour Life says
Thank you so much Carol! We love this product I’ve used it for all 4 of my kids 🙂
momknowsbest15 says
Hurray for Pull ups. They are great for containing the messese.
Ashley says
It might not be easy but you have a cutie for sure! We loved pull-ups when the kids needed them
Amy Jones says
You have beautiful children!
Karlyn Cruz says
I love using pull ups, they are really easier and more convenient to use. We love our baby in the family.
Rachel @ Coffee, Cake, Kids says
That sounds like an interesting journey in the car – we thankfully have never had an explosion like that!
Ana De Jesus says
I am the oldest in my biological family but I find its the other way round the younger kids seem to be treated better lol.
Elizabeth O. says
Good to have these around during family trips to avoid accidents! Potty training is a lot easier with these pull ups around!
Liz Mays says
We have to expect a few accidents along the way. It’s probably a great part of the reason they learn.
Sarah Bailey says
What a funny story! Glad that you had her in a pull-up for the trip. That could have been a lot messier of a mess!
Robin Rue says
Pull-ups are a great product when it comes to potty training. They go up and down like real underwear, so I do love that appeal for the little ones. My kids have been potty trained for some time….thank goodness!
Dawn McAlexander says
I wish I could say that I know what it’s like to be the youngest, but I can’t. I was the oldest kid in my family.
Michelle Gwynn Jones says
Well that all depends. I was the youngest. And I was also the one most likely to attack you from behind or in your sleep.
Jay's Sweet N Sour Life says
HAHAHAHA Michelle This made my night lol
pjkuhn says
Those days are over for me. I’m a middle child, but my youngest grandson spent the night last evening. He’s five and I still call him my baby. Today he said he loved me to infinity and back “And you can love anybody more.”
Wildish Jess says
I only have two kiddos and the youngest is only one so I’m not sure how they will act until they’re older! lol I know my sister was always spoiled as the baby though! lol
Rosey says
Liittle sweet babies. My youngest is so much younger than the other three that they don’t really pick on him (much) but he does feel that pressure to be a big guy far too soon because he’s around them. That’s okay, I counterbalance well by ensuring he gets to enjoy being the youngest too. 🙂
Fashionable Librarian says
Potty training…LOL…every parent worst nightmare. Especially when that child is stubborn it can be a hard road…
Azlin Bloor says
While being the baby of the family can be tough sometimes, I think its perks far outweigh its disadvantages! My youngest of 4 gets away with far too much!
sparkofsouthernmoms says
You have beautiful kiddos! My brother seem to like being the baby of our family quite well. If you get someone who is picking on you, bigger sibling is always there to watch out for you. When you get home though, is another story all together! 🙂
Kathy Kenny Ngo says
Looks like you have a one big happy family. Your kid looks happy!
Ayesha Heart says
You are so blessed with beautiful kids. I am the youngest and in my case I am so blessed with kind siblings and cousins ^ ^
Claudia Krusch says
Your baby sure is soooo cute. Pull ups are a great product and every mom I know loves it!!!
Berlin says
Being the baby of the family sometimes makes you be the baby of the family forever even if youre all grown up. Haha. Love pull ups as well. Convenient to use.