This post was made in partnership with the J.M. Smucker company, all views and opinions expressed are my own.
Hi yall! Let me introduce myself to those of you who haven’t met me, or maybe those of you who do but don’t know my back story. My name is Jessica but everyone calls me Jay. I’m a single mother of 4 beautiful children ages 10, 9, 7 and 3 years old as of 2015. I became a mother at the ripe young age of 15 years old. Most of yall are thinking “what in the what?”, trust me when I say everyone including me was thinking the same thing.
I was a young girl with big dreams and hopes of doing things my own way, but here I was 15 years old and pregnant with my first child. I swallowed that hard pill and decided to take on my responsibilities 9 months later gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy. Fate had many plans for me and gave me another child at the age of 16 years old. It was a rough few years but thankfully my family was that amazing support system that anyone could hope for. They were there for every step of the way, as I figured out how to navigate being a teenager and have 2 children before I even finished high school.
In real life most would say super powers don’t exist, and that superheroes are just in the comic books and movies. I see many superheroes every day and most of them do things without anyone even noticing. The mom that’s able to get dinner on the table by 5 and still make it to soccer practice by 6:15. It’s hard I’ve been doing this mom thing on my own for many years, I’ve found that everyone has their own way of activating their superpowers.
This mom takes on life by the horns by drinking her super power activator every morning. What is this super power activator you ask, and where can you get it from? Well, that’s the easiest thing I could tell you and the great news is this activator is available in a grocery store near you or online here. That’s Right! My activator is Coffee!
My Keurig is my best friend and it brews the most delicious coffee that helps me stay bold and fierce throughout my day. The Dunkin’ Donuts Dunkin Dark® Roast is so full and bold and contains 30% Rainforest Alliance Certified™ coffee! It’s a beauty to drink in the morning. It’s the wake me up that has me going at 7am every day of the week because being a mom is a full-time job. This cup or two of coffee keeps the laundry at bay, which seems to pile up very quickly, still trying to figure out how all of those clothes are being worn so quickly hmmm. It also helps keep me awake and able to play Uno 5 times and even squeeze in a dance party after lunch time. Yo Gabba Gabba!!! I hope some of yall get that part of my joke because some moms don’t know the show like my 3-year-old does.
Actually, I work 3 jobs, I’m a mom, a blogger and during the day I work with tons of other beautiful little kids. It takes a lot to wake me up in the morning (I am NOT a natural morning person, my best friend can testify to that) I give it to Dunkin’ Donuts® Dunkin’ Dark® for being the big bold wake me up that I need on a daily basis. This super power activator is my go-to for when I need to stay quick and witty for all the many things kids can get into, or just for answering 200 emails a day, yeah it can get pretty full in my email box.
Have you tried the Dunkin’ Donuts® Dunkin’ Dark® Roast yet? Is coffee your super power activator too? How do you take your Dunkin’ Donuts® coffee?
I would like to take a moment and give Erik Weihenmayer a huge congratulation, he was the very first blind man to climb Mount Everest. Erik Weihenmayer did not stop there, he pushed his accomplishments even further and kept adventuring into more amazing things pushing our perspective of being blind to another level. He lives life Bold and I reminds me there is always more you can do in life, so why not push the envelope and get out of your comfort zone and do it!
I actually LOVE their dark roast. And yes, coffee is my rocket fuel. LOL
I haven’t tried the dark roast, but I stop by and get a cup every now and again. I will have to try the at home roast. – Yolonda
What a beautiful story and kuddos to you on being an amazing mother. I am not a coffee drinker but my husband is and starts his morning off with a pot.
I have never tried Dunkin’ Donuts® coffee before, but I’ve heard it’s really good. That’s why I’d love to try the Dunkin’ Donuts® Dunkin’ Dark® Roast sometime. – HilLesha
I remember when I gave birth to my son, it is exhausting when you are young but very rewarding.
I have to admit that as a young mother I would always look forward to my coffee in the morning. Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Dark Roast is something I have not yet tried but I will be for sure. I don’t do nothing without my coffee in the morning. Thanks for sharing the awesome coffee and the adorable photos.
Mmm, they have such good coffee. I actually was a young-ish mom, wouldn’t have it any other way.
You are an amazing woman. I eas a single mom for a long time. It wasnt easy but it was rewarding.
I am not a morning person either. I usually drink diet dp. I dont drink coffee very often.
Dunkin Donuts has amazing coffee. I love to start my day with a cup. I will have to pick some up so I can make it at home.
You were so young! Luckily you had a supportive family to help you. Coffee is also helpful in most stressful situations.
Sandy a la Mode
Really nice to get to know you. I also love the Dunkin’ Donuts Dunkin Dark Roast. I grabbed a few boxes at Target last week.
This is such a beautiful story and very inspiring! I have tried Dunkin Donuts coffee, yes.. i love it!
I love Dunkin Donuts. We buy their coffee at the store and in the drive thru. You are an awesome Mom. 🙂
I loved learning more about you Jay!
I haven’t tried this coffee yet, but I am definitely going to!
wow, what a great story, and im so proud of you for finishing high school with two babies. my friends and family prefer dunkin donuts coffee over any other brand. i keep it stocked in my keureg carousel at all times for their visits.
So glad to hear you decided to let the joys of motherhood be your story instead of adoption or abortion. Your children are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your bold move in life.
Haha rocket fuel for sure! I love DD Dark roast. Its on sale at Tarjay right now!
Great story – I can relate to making that hard choice as a teenaged father. Great job!
What an inspiring story <3 Your son is adorable.
You are a busy bee. Congrats on all of your success. You are rocking single mama hood.