To put into perspective how many diapers I have changed in my life, I will first break down the math I have done in my head. First of all, I have 4 children, meaning I have about 2-3 years of diaper changes per child. There are 365 days in the year and no I am not counting the leap years in this. For the first year of a babies life, they go through about 5-6 diapers a day. So let’s break this down very quickly.
Wait, What?! I have changed roughly 14,600 diapers/pull ups in my life?! I’m sure at least 12,000 of them were poopy diapers too. To be honest I’m thinking how is it possible to have changed that many diapers in my life? I’ve also taken care of other babies that aren’t mine so that number is a low ball I’m sure. I’ve seen it all, I’ve seen almost every shade there could be in a child’s feces, as well as probably smelled millions of combinations (TMI) I know! They come in all shapes and sizes, and also consistencies.
I’m not the only one who does a quick happy dance or shake of my hips when I realize the diaper is just full of pee right? I mean I absolutely love taking care of a baby at birth, there was so something so magical and beautiful about being able to take care of someone so small and perfect in every way. What I don’t miss is the HUGE Mustard colored blow outs that my little ones would get. As I said before these come in all shapes and colors and green seems to be the famous color of my household since we have been going crazy drinking Colored Juice Drinks this summer.
I feel as though I have been swimming in diapers for 10 years, the endless mountains of diapers that seem to pile up in my life. I will have to say I’ve learned the perfect way to close up a diaper to keep all of those pesky smells at bay. I learned plastic bags you can get from the Dollar Store (you can get scented ones) are your best friend, and that you need to take out your trash almost daily for the first few months from birth.
From one mom to another, always pack a spare change of clothes for your child in your car or diaper bag, switch it out every week or so if it hasn’t been used. This will keep the clothes clean and up to date with your little one’s current size. I’ve been known to keep a pair or two in my car, only to lose them and find them 4 months later when of course my little one doesn’t fit it anymore.
This pair of clothes will be for those blowouts that can happen at any moment, and wipes are your best friend! I always grab the scented ones like the One and Done Cucumber Green Tea, it has an amazing smell and is perfect for getting all of those nasty smells out of anything. With my last baby (insert crying emoji) I like to keep a spare diaper bag or small travel bag full of her spare clothes, Huggies® Pull Ups® Training Pants, and Huggies® One and Done travel size wipes in my car. It’s perfect for emergencies or even grab and go in case I forget my regular diaper bag.
Some may be thinking, why would I subject myself to 14,600 plus Diapers which we all know were majority stinky ones. Well of course because I love my babies and wouldn’t change a thing to subtract from that humongous number. What should you take from this TMI story? Well, first you should go ahead and head over here and save $2.00 OFF on your next Huggies® Diapers or Pull Ups® purchase. Tread on mom! You can do it and in 10 years like me, you soon will be shaking yourself out of a Diaper Daze and into a new and exciting adventure with your little ones.
How many diapers do you think you have changed with your kids or your lifetime?
Find your Favorite Characters in Huggies® Diapers and Pull Ups® at your local Walmart Neighborhood Market Store.
Well I only had 2 kids but like you took care of others so I would guess (low ball) half as many as you have.
I have changed FAR more diapers than I care to remember. The “ugly” of diapers is SO ugly. Diapers are one of the few thing’s I DON’T miss about that age.
It’s a lot of diapers! My son is in Pull-Ups still and he loves them. He uses the Cars ones and they make him happy!
What a nice diapers! I love my kids, so I must use this Pull-Ups.
You are so right about this whole post. I think every mother has seen all colors, sizes, and shapes of the number 2 in the diapers. This is indeed something I don’t miss. Both my boys are now men but I can’t wait to be a grandma. Thanks for sharing the your thoughts and the coupons.
Absolutely wonderful. Thank you for sharing these great scenes.
That’s a lot of diapers. Double that because my daughter has twins.
I don’t’ even want to TRY to count how many diapers I’ve changed.
I remember these days. I loved using these pull ups as well. It was my favorite brand.
Oh wow, that is a lot of diapers, I don’t think I have ever though about just how many you go through!
Ughhhh diapers -_- we are still in the middle of potty training my daughter so we are still spending a ton of money in pull-ups and over night diapers. Crazy when you do the math and see how many diapers that equals
They really seem to be in diapers forever at the time, and then the time flies and you are wondering what happened to those days! Although it totally is something to celebrate when you no longer have to clean bums.
I am so glad that my diaper days are over. Diapers are expensive too. When my babies were newborns, those first few weeks it felt that I was going through 10 or more bc I breastfed them.
Lord of mercy, that’s a lot of diapers. I don’t have kids yet but boy, I won’t be looking forward to that part 😛
I only have a son, but trust me, I changed a ton of diapers. 😀 I enjoyed your post because this made me remember those times when he was still a baby.
I am so glad to be over diapers and potty training. Lucky for me my youngest son is 7. It was a bittersweet time when they were babies.
I don’t have any kids but i do have a lot of nieces and nephews and have changed my fair share of diapers!! This is a great post!!
Dont have kids yet but I am not excited to be a parent to change diapers. I wish I could hire someone just to change that but I know its necessary thats why potty training early is important!
Huggies was one o the brand that we always bought when our children were in diaper ages. I agree about packing a spare set of clothes.
I dont even want to take a guess at how many LOL. I have 4 kiddos and 1 in diapers now 🙂
I love this brand… Both kids till wear Huggies Pull Ups, so good for potty training.
She is too cute. I love Doc on the pull-ups. My girls love them too when they were potty training. – yolonda